Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Interaction Design Questions

1)  In the business world I've come across people that present solutions versus providing the requirements of what they really need. Do you have any tricks about getting the information on what their goals truly are and what they need to accomplish to leave them with the product they both need and want?

2)  What sites/products/design elements inspire you and show up frequently in your work?

3)  Do you find yourself compromising the integrity or usability of a design to please a client or to gain final approval?

4) Do you find that most products require appeal to a wider audience with many companies creating web/mobile/social media campaigns in conjunction with their products and have more demanding requirements to appeal to more cultures, languages, etc.?

5) With social media becoming more popular do you feel there are more design challenges or does it help simplify and streamline designs from the start to be appealing across different applications?

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