Saturday, March 19, 2011

Websites: Grayscale, Color, Colorblind Filter

The hierarchy of my web design held up pretty well after the colorblind filter. It seems like everything gets a little muted, but that's because there are less colors to pull from if you are colorblind. Things become a little more sunk on the page instead of jumping out. The headline and title are clearly the focus even with a filter, because they are on a light background and everything else is on a dark background. The menu bar is still a different color than the body and it is centered under the headline and title so you look at that next. Unfortunately the design loses some of it's vivacity and the photos lose the pop they had in full color. It definitely takes away from the fun, playful theme I was intending, but there is still a lot of variation in color.

I think it is incredibly interesting much design does change when you remove the color. I never really thought about how a colorblind person's experience of surfing the web is different than mine. When I think of all the ways color is used to grab the eye's attention and create a hierarchy it is fascinating to think that that doesn't necessarily work for everyone.

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